610 Walnut
Ground-up six-story office core and shell with three levels of parking
Ground-up three-story office building in prime downtown
Construction of a new Class A+ building with three above grade levels featuring 25,700 square feet of office space, 66 on-site secured parking spaces with AV charging stations served by two individual entrances for secured points of entry, a central lobby with a connected vertical circulation core accessing all levels, 11 intimate decks creating opportunities for indoor-outdoor user engagement, and a 4,300 square foot expansive common roof deck with views of downtown Burlingame and beyond. This fully entitled development straddles a well-established residential community and acts as direct buffer along the Caltrain rail with ample opportunity for large firms seeking premium space or multiple users with flexibility with regards to the internal connectivity of spaces. Integrated throughout the design, this building has implemented several sustainable features and characteristics, supporting low operating costs and low maintenance. The façade uses aluminum sunshades and deep recessed glazing to preserve natural light and leverage solar exposure for temperature control.