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The Science and Environmental Center and the Student Center Café are nestled among acres of trees and serene bay area views.

The new Science & Environmental Center features eight science labs and associated support rooms. Designed to be Net Zero Energy and Net Zero Carbon, on-site renewable energy resources, including solar power, filtered natural light, and energy efficient lighting with daylight dimming controls provide all energy needed to operate the building. Leveraging energy reduction strategies, this project was designed to advance the cutting edge of sustainable school design and achieved LEED Gold certification. To address storm water management challenges on the campus and to reduce potable water use in the process, rainwater is captured by the building roofs and stored in large underground cisterns, and then used for toilet flushing. Building materials utilized high recycling / renewable content, as well as non-toxic materials to create excellent indoor air quality.

The original student center was expanded by 2300 sq. ft and was transformed into a new multi-purpose building with increased seating capacity and a fully remodeled kitchen. Surrounded by glass, the front roll-up door allows for easy access and full ventilation while the doorway to the rear patio area offers additional access to outside areas as well as the new tree canopy elevated walkway connecting the new Science & Environmental Center and the existing hillside campus amenities.


2024 Green Building Award – Sustainable San Mateo, AIA – San Mateo County Chapter, and Peninsula Clean Energy

2023 AIA COTE Top 10 Award

2022 AIA National Education Facility Design Merit Award

2021 Gold Nugget Grand Award Best Design for Energy Efficiency

2021 Gold Nugget Award of Merit Best Educational Project



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