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Three mixed-used buildings with underground and surface parking on a 6.4-acre site; designed to enhance public space and connectivity, maintain the city’s “village character” and promote healthy living and sustainability. Located near downtown, this Santa Barbara Spanish-styled development will incorporate two three-story Class A+ office buildings with the flexibility to accommodate 200,000 square feet of open layouts and private professional offices, 183 gated apartments (including 20 below market rate rental units), and a 2-level podium with frontage road ground floor retail, a private street, swimming pool and common open space. The Type IA garage building offers secured subterranean parking for approximately 1,000 cars, a golf simulator and entertainment suite, locker rooms and a fitness center. The scope included demo, tree removal, soil remediation, excavation, and abatement. Once complete, the development will feature a large public courtyard with water feature, two outdoor kitchens, pet spa, dog park and an amphitheater seating area. Transit-centered, the site is located near the Menlo Park CalTrain station and offers easy access to the El Camino public transportation corridor. Sustainability objectives include LEED Gold certification and over 1,500 solar panels designed to supply much of the electrical demand of the offices and residents.


Mixed-Use Project honoree for the 2023 Structures Awards – Silicon Valley Business Journal

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